Every Monday from 7-8:30 pm
January 20: AC Social
January 27: Apologetics with Fr. Paul
February 3: The Evangelical Councils with Br. Andrew
February 10: Sacraments Night (Holy Hour with Praise and Worship)
February 17: Fr. Michael Zimmerman Talk
February 24: Lenten Healing with Fr. Paul
March 3: AC Social
March 10: Sacraments Night (Holy Hour with Praise and Worship)
March 17: Evangelization Workshop
March 24: AC Social
March 31: Purgatory Talk with Fr. Victor
April 7: Intercessory Prayer Workshop with Fr. Paul
April 14: Entering into Holy Week with Fr. Paul
April 21: Easter Social
April 28: St. Catherine of Sienna Talk with Br. Andrew
May 5: Sacraments Night (Holy Hour with Praise and Worship)
May 12: Rosary and Marian Devotion
May 19: AC Social
*Schedule is tentative and subject to change
St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine
1105 Boylston Street (front entrance)
2 Ipswich Street (side entrance)
Venerable Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830)
Founder, Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Member of Amicizia Cristiana
Email stclementac@gmail.com